
У Педро кашель (Peppa Pig)


Продолжаю публиковать серию мультфильмов о Пеппе (Peppa Pig) на медицинскую тему. Теперь у Педро кашель, и он заразил этим кашлем и взрослых, и детей. Смотрите видео, изучайте лексику, читайте полную текстовку видео.


to be ill — болеть

A child is ill. — Ребенок заболел.

to get ill — заболеть

Do you ever get ill, Dr. Brown Bear? — А Вы, Доктор Браун, когда-нибудь болеете?

to feel better — выздоравливать

And here’s a song to make you feel better. — А вот песня, чтобы Вы выздоравливали.

to be sick — болеть

Miss Polly had a dolly who was sick, sick, sick. — У Мисс Полли была куколка, и она заболела.


to cough [kɔf] — кашлять

cough — кашель

to have a cough — кашлять

Oh, dear! Pedro has a cough. — Ах ты батюшки, у Педро кашель.

I’ve got a cough. — У меня кашель

tickly cough — горловой кашель

chesty cough — грудной кашель

Is it a tickly cough or a chesty cough? — Кашель горловой или грудной?

to get a cough — начать кашлять

And when did you get this cough? — А когда ты начал кашлять?

It’s nothing serious, but Pedro’s cough may be catching. — Ничего страшного, но кашель Педро может быть заразным.

to catch a cough — заразиться кашлем

Danny Dog and Suzy Sheep have caught Perdro’s cough. — Денни и Сюзи заразились кашлем от Педро.


to call a doctor — вызвать врача

So she called for the doctor to be quick, quick, quick. — Она вызвала врача, и попросила его приехать быстро-быстро.


Not to worry. — Не волнуйтесь.

Don’t panic. — Не пугайтесь. / Не впадайте в панику.


What seems to be the problem? — На что жалуемся?

Open wide. — Откройте широко рот.


medicine — лекарство

Do I need medicine? — Мне нужно принимать лекарство?

spoonful — ложка чего-то (например, ложка сиропа)

Just a little spoonful. — Только одну ложечку.

He gave us horrible medicine. — Он дал нам ужасное лекарство.

to taste — быть на вкус

I’m afraid it doesn’t taste very nice. — К сожалению, на вкус лекарство не очень.

It tastes like an old shoe full of jam. — Вкус похож на старый ботинок с вареньем.

It tastes of flowers. — На вкус как будто цветы ешь.

Well done for taking your medicine so well. — Вы молодцы, очень хорошо приняли лекарство.

pills — таблетки

He wrote on a paper for some pills, pills, pills. — Он выписал лекарство.


An apple a day keeps the doctor away. — В день по яблоку съедать — век болезней не видать. (пословица)


to look after  somebody — заботиться о ком-то

Dr. Brown Bear came and looked after us. — Пришел Доктор Браун и полечил нас.

Текст фильма

Peppa Pig Pedro’s Cough

Narrator: It is a school day. Peppa and her friends are having a music lesson.

Madame Gazelle: [singing] Ohh. Miss Polly had a Dolly.

Pedro Pony: [coughing] Sorry, Madame Gazelle. [coughing]

Madame Gazelle: Oh, dear! Pedro has a cough. Not to worry. I’ll ring Dr. Brown Bear.

sounds: [buttons beeping] ringgggg!

Dr. Brown Bear: Dr. Brown Bear speaking.

Madame Gazelle: Hello, Doctor? This is Madame Gazelle. A child is ill.

Dr. Brown Bear: Don’t panic. I’ll come straight away.

sounds: [siren wailing]

Dr. Brown Bear: [panting] What seems to be the problem?

Pedro Pony: I’ve got a cough. [coughs]

Dr. Brown Bear: I see. Is it a tickly cough or a chesty cough?

Pedro Pony: Um, I don’t know. But it goes like this.[coughs]

Dr. Brown Bear: Hmm. And when did you get this cough?

Pedro Pony: When Madame Gazelle started singing.

Dr. Brown Bear: It’s nothing serious, but Pedro’s cough may be catching.

Peppa Pig: What do you mean, catching?

Dr. Brown Bear: When one person has a cough, sometimes other people get that cough too.

Pedro Pony: Do I need medicine?

Dr. Brown Bear: Just a little spoonful. I’m afraid it doesn’t taste very nice.

Pedro Pony:  Ugh! It tastes like an old shoe full of jam.

Madame Gazelle:  Thank you, Dr. Brown Bear.

Dr. Brown Bear: Good-bye.

All except Dr. Brown Bear: Bye!

Danny Dog and Suzy Sheep: [coughs]

Dr. Brown Bear: As I thought, Perdo’s cough is catching.

Narrator: Danny Dog and Suzy Sheep have caught Perdro’s cough.

Danny Dog and Suzy Sheep: [coughs]

Dr. Brown Bear: Open wide.

Suzy Sheep: Ugh! It tastes of carpet-flavored yogurt.

Danny Dog: Ugh! It tastes of flowers.

Dr. Brown Bear: Well done for taking your medicine so well.

Peppa Pig: Do you ever get ill, Dr. Brown Bear?

Dr. Brown Bear: No, Peppa, I’m never ill. I eat an apple a day.

Dr. Brown Bear: Good-bye.

Children: Bye!

sounds: [bell ringing]

Narrator: It is home time,  and the children’s parents are here to pick them up.

Pedro Pony: Mummy, Daddy. I’ve got a cough. [coughs]

Danny Dog: Dr. Brown Bear came and looked after us.

Suzy Sheep: He gave us horrible medicine.

Peppa Pig: Madame Gazelle, can you sing your song now?

Madame Gazelle: Of course, Peppa. [singing] Ooh. Miss Poly had a Dolly who was– [coughing]

All adults : [coughing]

Narrator: Oh, dear All the grown-ups have caught Pedro’s cough

sounds: riiiing!

Dr. Brown Bear: Dr. Brown Bear speaking.

Peppa Pig: This is Peppa Pig. [snorts] All the grown-ups are ill.

Dr. Brown Bear: Not to worry, Peppa. I’m on my way.

sounds: [siren wailing]

Adults: [coughing]

Dr. Brown Bear: Hello, everyone. Caught Pedro’s cough, have we?

Adults: [coughing]

Dr. Brown Bear: Very well. Stand in line, and open wide.

Adults: Ugh! Ew! Ugh!

Madame Gazelle: It tastes like custard and old socks.

sounds: [laughter]

Pedro Pony: Thank you for looking after us, Dr Brown Bear.

Peppa Pig: Who looks after you when you when you’re ill.

Dr. Brown Bear: No one looks after me. I’m never ill.[coughs]

Narrator: Oh, dear. Dr. Brown Bear has caught Pedro’s cough.

Dr. Brown Bear: Not to worry. [coughs] Good-bye.

All: Good-bye!

Madame Gazelle: Poor Dr. Brown Bear. He’s ill, and there’s no one to look after him.

All: Oh!

Dr. Brown Bear: [coughing]

sounds: [doorbell rings]

Dr. Brown Bear: Who can that be?

Peppa Pig: Hello. We’ve come to look after you.

Danny Dog: [barks] Here’s some fruits.

Pedro Pony: Neigh! and some cushions.

Suzy Sheep: And here is your medicine.

Dr. Brown Bear: Ugh! It tastes like jammy yogurt-flavored custard socks.

sounds: [laughter]

Madame Gazelle: And here’s a song to make you feel better [singing] Ooh!



Miss Polly had a dolly who was sick, sick, sick.

So she called for the doctor to be quick, quick, quick.

The doctor came with his bag and his hat

And he knocked on the door with a rat-a-tat-tat.

He looked at the dolly and he shook his head

And he said “Miss Polly, put her straight to bed!”

He wrote on a paper for some pills, pills, pills

“I’ll be back in the morning with my bill, bill, bill.”


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