
The United Kingdom for kids


Предлагаю презентацию и несколько песен для проведения урока по теме «Великобритания» для детей начальной школы.

Песня Hello Song

Текст песни

Every day
I go to school
I meet my friends
And we all say

Hello, hello!
How are you?
I’m good,
I’m great!
How about you?

Na, na, na…

Every day
I go and play
I meet new friends
And we all say

Hello, hello!
What’s your name?
Nice to meet you!
Do you want to play?

Na, na, na….

Песня UK Countries Song

Текст песни

Hey hey we are the UK
that’s an abbreviation for our name
The United Kingdom
It’s the same

This song is about the
UK’s countries and capitals
And 1 Province
Now let the knowledge flow

I am England
A UK country
I have a capital
named London
in the east is where I be

Shakespeare and the Beatles
were born in me
They were all great Icons
in our worlds History

My capital is
Home the Tower of London
and to Parliament which is attached
to the clock tower Big Ben

I’m Northern Ireland
a province of the UK
My capital’s named Belfast
touching the Belfast Bay

I was created on May 3rd
in 1921
When Ireland was partitioned
by the British Parliament

Rory McIlory, Joey Dunlop and
Van Morrison
Were just a few of the talents from
my province

Hey hey we are the UK
that’s an abbreviation for our name
The United Kingdom
It’s the same

This song is about the
UK’s countries and capitals
And 1 Province
Now let the knowledge flow

I’m Scotland
My capital’s Edinburgh
A country covering the North 1/3 of the island Great Britain that I’m sure

I share a border with England
to the south
And I’m surrounded by the Atlantic, North Sea
and Celtic Sea down

Home to Edinburgh castle
and Wallace Monument
and the Pictish Stone
referred to as the Stone of the serpent

Hi there I’m Wales
My capital’s Cardiff
I am a country in the UK
and I’m glad you just learned this

I’m on the West of the Island
Great Britain
With 1680 miles of coast line
which is mostly mountains

Home to Caernarfon and
Dolwyddelan Castle
And my language is Welsh and English
and that is official

Hey hey we are the UK
that’s an abbreviation for our name
The United Kingdom
It’s the same

This song is about the
UK’s countries and capitals
And 1 Province
Now let the knowledge flow

Hey hey we are the UK
that’s an abbreviation for our name
The United Kingdom
It’s the same

This song is about the
UK’s countries and capitals
And 1 Province
Now let the knowledge flow

Песня Goodbye Friends

Текст песни

Good bye, good bye,
good bye, friends.
Good bye, good bye,
good bye friends.

It’s time to say good bye.

But first,
walk walk walk.
Jump jump jump.
Run run run.


Hop hop hop.
Swim swim swim.


Good bye, good bye,
good bye, friends.
Good bye, good bye,
good bye friends.

It’s time to say good bye.

Good bye!

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