Предлагать: SUGGEST и др. глаголы
На английский язык слово «предлагать» можно перевести с помощью разных глаголов, таких как “to suggest”, “to offer”, “to propose”, “to recommend” и некоторых других. Обычно особые трудности вызывает первый из этих глаголов, поэтому рассмотрим поподробнее каждый синоним и сравним их с глаголом “to suggest”.
Глагол “to recommend” в Oxford Learner’s Thesaurus определяется следующим образом:
[note] to tell smb that smth is good or useful, or that smb would be suitable for a particular job, etc.; to make smb/smth seem attractive or good; if you recommend smb/smth, it usually means that you have personal experience of the person or thing you are recommending. For example you would only be able to recommend a person for a job if you knew them personally, and you could only recommend a book to smb if you had actually read if yourself. [/note]
Устойчивые выражения с глаголом “to recommend”:
- To recommend a candidate / product
- To recommend smb / smth for / as smth (Can you recommend anybody for this job?)
- To recommend smth to smb (I recommend the film to all my friends.)
- To recommend (that) smb do smth (should) do (Some local authorities still operate policy guidelines that recommend that children should stay in care for under two years.)
- To recommend doing smth (He recommended reading the book before seeing the movie.)
To recommend |
To suggest |
you have personal experience of the person or thing you are recommending | is less certain, you don’t have personal experience of the person or thing – you may have just heard about them / it from smb else, but think they / it might be worth trying |
Глагол “to propose” определяется так:
[note] (rather formal) to tell people about a plan or idea for them to think about and decide on; to tell people about a plan or idea at a formal meeting and ask them to vote on it; to suggest an explanation of smth for people to consider [/note]
Устойчивые выражения с глаголом “to propose”:
- To propose a/ an idea / plan / scheme / solution / theory / change / measure / alternative / view (She proposed a possible solution to the mystery).
- To propose smth as smth (The measures have been proposed as a way of improving standards.)
- To propose (that) smb (should) do smth (It was proposed that the president be elected for a period of two years.)
- To propose doing smth (He proposed changing the name of the company.)
- To propose to do smth (We now propose to take deregulation and privatization further.)
To propose |
To suggest |
you are more likely to propose in a confident way and when you definitely want your idea to be accepted; when smth is to be considered in a formal process it is more usual to use ‘propose’ | is often used in less formal situations, especially when making personal suggestions or arrangements; is sometimes less certain^ you might suggest smth in order to be helpful, or in a gentle way because you are not sure how welcome your suggestion will be |
[note] to make smth available or to provide the opportunity for smth; to say that you are willing to do smth for smb or give smth to smb [/note]
Устойчивые выражения с глаголом “to offer”:
- To offer a / an invitation / welcome / suggestion / opinion / explanation (He didn’t offer any explanation for his behavior.)
- To offer aid / credit / hospitality / sympathy / condolences / congratulations / advice / information / facilities (The hotel offers excellent facilities for families.)
- To offer the hope /possibility / prospect of smth (The job didn’t offer any prospects for promotion.)
- To offer your apologies / resignation
- To offer help / your services/ your hand
- To offer a plate / glass
- To offer a job (They decided to offer Jo the job.)
- To offer $200 / a sum (He offered $8,000 for the car.)
- To offer to do smth (The kids offered to do the dishes.)
To offer |
To suggest |
вызваться что-то сделать (кто предлагает, тот и делает) | предложить кому-то что-то сделать (кто-то другой будет что-то делать, хотя предлагающий может также участвовать) |
[note] to tell smb about a person, thing, method, etc. that might be suitable for a particular job or purpose; to tell people about a plan or idea for them to think about; to put an idea into smb’s mind; to make smb think that smth is true [/note]
Устойчивые выражения с глаголом “to suggest”:
- To suggest a candidate
- To suggest a / an idea / scheme / solution / change / measure / alternative
- To suggest a meaning / feeling
- To suggest a great deal / high degree / lack of smth
- To suggest smb for / as smth
- To suggest smb / smth to smth
- The results / facts suggest to smth
- Smb’s behaviour suggests smth
- The evidence suggests to smth (All the evidence suggests that he stole the money.)
- The signs / symptoms suggest smth (The symptoms suggest a minor heart attack.)
- To strongly suggest to smth
- To suggest (that) smb (should) do smth (I suggested that she should tell everyone the truth.)
- To suggest smb’s doing smth (He suggested my quitting the job.)